spacer Software Improvements Pty Ltd
Election Systems
Software Engineering
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Election Systems
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Software Improvements has a range of Services to support eVACS® and elections

Election support services include:

  • Assistance with formatting eVACS® for a particular election
  • Assistance with securing data retention from a particular election for auditing purposes
  • Installation of election specific software on voting servers and other servers
  • Installation of voting machine software for each election if required (This is a once-only service unless the hardware is used for other purposes between elections)
  • Provision of technical support during election period for eVACS® software and any hardware provided
Subsequent customisation services

The following changes generate subsequent customisation and will be undertaken by Software Improvements when required:

  • Changes to requirements for a particular jurisdiction requiring changes to their customised election software, and
  • Changes to reflect upgrades to operating systems and changes to hardware, including peripherals.
Training in the use of the system, including on initial purchase and as users are replaced.
An annual maintenance contract is available. The initial system delivered must meet the requirements of the client. Changes are likely to be required when either the client's requirements change, most likely due to legislative change, or there are changes to hardware, including peripherals, and operating systems. These are addressed via customisation services or via an annual maintenance contract if preferred.

Please contact Software Improvements for more information.